Are you truly a fashion designer or just a tailor?

Hi sewlover, how is the sew business going? I think it’s high time we speak the truth, after all, no sewist loves to be called a tailor or dressmaker. We always want to be regarded as Fashion deisgners. But are you truly one? Are you a fashion designer? Do you create your own designs orContinue reading “Are you truly a fashion designer or just a tailor?”


Hi sewlover, So we started a challenge on TheQEffectz Sew Community to WhatsApp to make all six pieces/panel garments out there The goal is to learn how to make: So we are kicking off with a six pieces blouse. Join us today on WhatsApp for absolutely free @ to learn how to cut andContinue reading “HOW TO SEW A SIX PIECES BLOUSE”

[Style Illustration Alert] A design by Wawbilay

Hi sewlover, Happy new month. By the way, I want to really appreciate you for always leaving your comments…I see them…thank you so much for leaving your reviews about our lessons and tutorials. You know I love reading from you. So today, I will be sharing with you a short video illustration of how toContinue reading “[Style Illustration Alert] A design by Wawbilay”

[Free style illustration alert!] 3D SPIRAL BLOUSE ILLUSTRATION

Hi sewlover, How are you doing? First, I want to say a huge thank you to those that have joined the family of TheQEffectz by subscribing to this blog. Thank you very much. For those that haven’t subscribed, please ensure that you do, it will keep you updated on my latest posts on free tutorials,Continue reading “[Free style illustration alert!] 3D SPIRAL BLOUSE ILLUSTRATION”

Did I tell you about Freehand Cutting?

Hello sewlover, So in a couple of weeks, I will be giving a public training on Freehand Cutting on telegram. The training is going to last for three weekends(Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 31st, 2020) For those who do not know what “Freehand cutting” is, it is that method of cutting that involves creatingContinue reading “Did I tell you about Freehand Cutting?”